Throughout my life I have never felt like I had a disability.
However, sometimes good old Spina Bifida kicks me in the butt, literally, and
reminds me that I am not invincible. I was recently in the hospital with a
pretty mild bowel blockage, as far as bowel blockages go. This is a rare
occurrence. I can only remember about 2-3 in my life.
When the doctor told me I would need to change my bowel regimen.
I was like, oh, crap! I got very
“I don’t have time for that.”, “I have a life. I can’t be in
the bathroom all day.” The excuses go on and on. Incidentally, I was in the bathroom for days
once. It was NOT fun.
The doctor recommended that I drink Golytly (Go Lightly, the stuff used for
colonoscopies) once a week. Let me tell you, you DO NOT go lightly!!! I am trying something somewhat less harsh
first. I have decide to take the advice of a friend and try Senna-S. Her
daughter, who has a chronic issue with her bowels, uses that and it works
well. The point is, I am trying. I just
don’t want to “go” from one extreme to the other. Ya, know?
So, now that I have bared all, who else would like to share
their bathroom stories?? J Thanks!