Monday, July 6, 2015

Some-times in our lives.....

“Some-times in our lives, we all have pain” (Lean On Me; Bill Withers) and it can really suck! I don’t care if it is physical or emotional. It SUCKS!

Several years ago, my shunt malfunctioned. Yea! NOT! Not only did it malfunction, it got infected! Seriously?!?!?!? I ended up being in the hospital for the entire month of December because of the infection. So, yes, that means Christmas! There goes going places and exchanging gifts and missing out of my sister’s AWESOME rib roast. OMG, it is soooo good! But I digress…..

****It was brought to my attention that I didn't say that my sister  brought me some of the roast in the hospital. It was amazing as usual. LOL **** :)

Surprisingly, although there was some physical pain involved with this, the emotional pain was worse. On top of all that was going on with me, I was concerned about my father. Although he was in pretty good shape for an 80+ year old, I was still concerned about him. In addition to him taking care of himself, he was worried about me. He didn’t really handle my medical issues very well. Although he didn’t show it, they were very stressful for him. Because of this, whenever he would visit, I would always try to act as though I was handling things okay given my current situation.

One day while I was in the hospital, a very close friend of mine came to visit me.  She even brought me presents! J While we were talking, I broke down and cried and she just held me.  No words were exchanged, she just held me while I cried.


This meant so much to me.  

Years later, this same friend was going through a rough time. Due to certain circumstances, they needed to move. She knew this was something that needed to be done, but she still had a very hard time accepting it.


One day, she came over to my house for a visit. While we talked about what was happening, she just froze. I simply hugged her while she cried, like she had done years ago for me.


Neither incident needed words. Just the simple embrace of a close friend was enough.  We may not have completely understood exactly what the other one was going through, but we there at the right time for each other.


Our emotions can wreak havoc on us as we go through stressful times in our lives.  They can drive us to the point where we wonder if we will ever feel “normal” again. Have your emotions ever made you feel like you don’t know how you are going to get through a difficult situation? Have you had a friend come to the rescue and save your sanity? Please feel free to share your story and let others know they are not alone.