Saturday, October 5, 2019

My Fear Of Public Speaking

Although this is not technically a disability, it can be very paralyzing for some people. What am I talking about? Public speaking, which I have heard is the #1 fear people have. It is feared even more than death! I can believe that. I have always had a confidence issue and public speaking is very hard for me. Thankfully, it is rare that I have to do it, but when I do, I get extremely nervous. I stutter and stammer, do a lot of and um-ing and ah-ing to the point where I lose my train of thought and sometimes freeze. The same thing has happened in the past when I have sung in church.

Recently, I was asked to give a presentation on some of my interests by the director of our local Office on Aging and Disabilities, for their Disability Awareness Day. Although I was apprehensive about doing it, I decided to push myself out of my comfort zone and said yes. Now it is a matter of organizing my thoughts and developing them into a cohesive manner.

I was talking to a friend of mine about this, and she suggested that I look into an international organization called Toastmasters. This organization brings people from different walks of life together and helps them develop and or improve their public speaking skills. This is done by members/participants listening to each other’s speeches on a variety of subjects. At the end of the meeting, constructive criticism is given by selected members to allow people to get information on what they need to work on to improve their communication skills.

I enjoyed attending the meeting last night. Everyone was very welcoming to me, cordial to each other during their speeches and were respectful toward each other during the critiquing part of the meeting. I look forward to attending more of these meetings to work on improving my public speaking and communication skills to help me be more at ease when it comes to interacting with people. I will add more posts on this subject as I go through this process. Has anyone else done any public speaking? How did it go? Can you share any tips with us?